Tag Archives: Bill Gates

Why I’d Rather Cuddle with a Shark than a Kissing Bug By Bill Gates

My first novel is about a mountain lion in northern New Hampshire that kills other animals and some people.  I chose a Catamount because they are very effective stalkers and they were, at one time, indigenous to New England.  There are many who claim that these magnificent animals are still around. Until I saw this blog post by Bill Gates, I never really  considered that a mountain lion would actually be quite far down on the list of dangerous killers.  Hmm! I wonder if  one of my next novels will have to be titled “Mosquitos, A North Country Thriller”.  Check out Mr. Gate’s post.  It is eye opening.  “Why I’d Rather Cuddle with a Shark than a Kissing Bug” By Bill Gates

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The Passion Gap by Angela Maiers

The Passion Gap by Angela Maiers  I attended a number of workshops with Angela Maiers at the Christa McAuliffe Conference last November.  She has some really good things to say about passion in education.  She is not a fan of  an over concentration on “assessment,” “standardize,” “common core” and “pedagogy”.  If  Bill Gates and Thomas Friedman are so in favor of passion why to do they seem to so strongly support  the move toward one size fits all?  I doubt if they would would want to be in the classrooms they appear to support creating.  Am I missing something?